The best day of my life was when my brother was born the 5th of April 2017 at 11.15. It was a Sunday when my mother told us she was having my brother, we were in Paris. My brother arrived the same day when my father was in Tashkent 2 hours before.I brought to my brother a lego vessel which was not finished. After giving him the ship I carried him . I was very happy.
After my brother’s arrival I didn’t go to school for two days. With my father we prepared our home formy brother’s arrival and we bought a bed, toys and clo thes. My mother and my brother spent 3 days in the hospital.I was 8 years old and there was my whole family. Everyone was carrying him. Everyone had brought gifts. He was only sleeping and eating.He learned to walk at 1 year. That was the day when I left to Bukhara.He eats cereal. He cries during the night. While my mother is cooking I look after Bilal he has recently started walking so I look after him more because he could fall.1 month after his arrival we organize qovurdoq an Uzbek tradition. We invited the family and shared the dish qovurdoq. It contains lamb meat and potatoes cooked in a wood fire pot by my grandmother. It was delicious.
My best day of my life is the 30-31 May 2019. That day we went to the mountains of Beldersay. It was a hot sunny day and we went there in a bus. We were not alone; there was the next class to. In the bus we were singing and playing telephone games. It was really beautiful out there. The first day we went to our « hotels » and we choose rooms to sleep. I and my friends chose the top room, the biggest room. We performed a little theatre at night time. It was really fun! Me and my team we have done a theatre about Harry Potter. Harry Potter was Amir, the brother of Timur and Voldemort was… guess who? Yes, it was me! I was in a black coat and we took sticks from trees to make some wands. What about the other ones: Kamilla was professor McGonagall, Iona was Hermione and Timur was Ron. At the end Harry Potter killed me and I fell in the green fresh grass. Then we sang songs. I had never had so much fun! When we went to our « hotels », the boys asked if we could play a game if only we will go to their « hotels ». We asked: « What game? » And they said: « It’s a game called small bottle ». The first time I refused but then, when all the girls where coming i allowed to go. But just that moment our teacher came and asked where we were going but then, when she recognized that we were going to the boys, she refused and said to go to sleep. Oh no! I was offended. Well, another time perhaps. The next day we went outside to breakfast. After that we went to a little house. We played Sherlock Holmes: We had to find places in the photo and then find them in that place. Then we played who was the fastest. It was really fun! After dinner we played hide and seek and other fun games. A few hours later it was time to leave and we packed all our things inside the suitcases. That was the best day ever!
The best day of my life was the day quarantine ended and it was back to school. I had waited all this time because it was difficult not to go outside but of course interesting to do it, to be with family, to cook … but the return was better after the quarantine. When I was at school I saw my friends and my teachers, I took advantage of the so much being between my friends. My class and I we spoke about the adventures during quarantine. And that moment passed a year ago.
The best day of my life was my Birthday. It was one day after I turned ten but it was also my last day to say goodbye to all my friends. Straight after I got home and packed my suitcase we sat in our car and had a twelve hour drive to Disney Land Paris. In our family we have a tradition that every tenth birthday we would have a special party or trip since it’s the day we turned double digits. When we finally got there, found our little cabin, we all threw out selves into bed. The next day we drove into Disney Land and I thought that I was dreaming because it was the first time that I came to a amusement park. My sister’s birthday was just before mine and my father gave her a Walkie Talkie especially for this trip. He then gave me one so that my sister and I could go wherever we wanted while my parents would just wonder around. He aloud us only one sweat (ice-cream) per day but it was my birthday so I spent some of my pocket money to by one. We stayed in Disney Land for three days so for the first two days we went were all the rides where and on the last day to the movie place where. I still remember that my favourite ride was the one I went with my dad, it was a little maze where you have to drive through. I remember my dad saying that 8f I make it through with out bumping then I can drive us to Spain. But of course I don’t have a driving licence so I didn’t. In the movie part of Disney my parents took me to a mini- theatre where they showed us how movies are made. After that I learned (and drew) how the first movies were made. Disney Land was amazing but that was only my Birthday but my summer was incredible. But thats a whole other story…..
Mon premier jour à l’école française de Tachkent fut un jour surprenant ! Pas d’enfant dans l’école, pas de livre, pas de stylo dans les classes. Ni même de gomme ou de règle. Des bureaux en tas au milieu des salles comme préparés pour un bûcher. Pas d’ordinateur dans le bureau du directeur, pas d’emploi du temps. Mais très vite, le soleil de l’Ouzbékistan a dissipé les nuages gris qui obscurcissaient mon esprit. Très vite la douce chaleur ambiante et la cordialité de mes collègues ont réchauffé mon cœur et fait fondre l’énorme stress que j’avais ressenti l’espace d’un moment. Et que dire des élèves ? Ils sont venus et ils ont enchanté les lieux. Aujourd’hui où je suis loin d’eux (élèves, collègues, bâtiments) je suis un peu triste et j’espère les retrouver au plus vite.
Jean Fontaine
Yesterday was a big day. A few months before, I had won a competition to go basically there and back to the moon. Yes true!! Something on a tube of ketchup, I was asked why I wanted to go to the moon and I replied, ‘because it was there.’ The organisers sent me an sms asking me if I was sure and I foolishly replied, ‘of course I’m a teacher.’

And I won because basically I and 3 others had applied from the ketchup tube. Only 3 tubes had been sold as the rest had been thrown overboard in the Caspian Sea. So we 3 turned up at a new launch base in Karakol, Kyrgyz, next to the zoo. I had to make my own way there and pay my own fare. Clothing was free as was space in the rocket. Now the rocket was something else, made of tin foil and aluminums poles, to be powered by, wait for it melon juice. But as I said I’m a teacher so I put my trust in all scientific things. Anway blah blah blah blah and then blah blah blah which wasn’t enjoyable at all. Finally the big moment came and the cameras started whirring, well not exactly whirring but one digital click and we climbed into the rocket in front of us.
‘How do we operate it?’ We asked.
‘Well,’ said this scientist (I knew he was a scientist because he had a white coat on).
‘It’s a bit like the film Contact if you’ve seen it. Ellie gets into this wheel type thing which drops and everybody around the world shouts “oh my God.”
So, we got in, ripping some of the foil.
“Don’t worry,’ said the scientist . ‘There’s enough.’
I coughed and asked where the moon was.
‘Good question,’ said the scientist. ‘As you can see its daytime so really you can’t go as there is no moon.’
So we asked what we were going to do.
‘Maybe its best if you go home you can keep the clothes. We’ll send you the pictures of you landing later.’
A few days after I got home they sent me a picture. Here it is. What do you think to the day I went to the moon?
David Boyle
The best day in my life was in the mountains. All of us ran the flying kites. My brother loves spider man and his flying kite was with spider man. My little sister had too a flying kite, her flying kite was with a princess. We had a picnic. My dad ran a flying kite 250 metres. It was wonderful. I ran too a flying kite but I was tired.
The best day of my life was when I was 9 years old and I went with my family to Dubai, in Atlantis, a big aquarium.

I liked to watch all the fish that were swimming above my head. There was billions of different fish with different colors and size. I loved it very much and also I liked to live inside the hotel that they have on the Palm Dubai. I went to Atlantis with my father and my mother. I saw the biggest and colorful fish like, fighting fish, stingray and moray eels. I always liked to go to the swimming pool and to the sea. The best food in this hotel was red caviar.

In my room, in the hotel I loved to sleep and to watch the fish that are in the window.
Last night I went to the kitchen from hearing strange sounds from there. When I arrived, I saw a magic hedgehog, he flew. He looked at me as if he wanted me to follow him. I didn’t think about anything and went to follow him. He left magical traces behind him. And so we got into some other world, a world of magic, where everything was as I dreamed. My happiness knew no limit. I felt like a fairy. There was everything I could wish for. For a long time I could not come to my senses, admiring all the beauty that surrounds me. I made friends with everyone there and found harmony. I stayed there one day, and at some point I felt sad. I realized that in this world there is no my family. The dearest I have…The most valuable thing that I had, now I do not have. I was mistaken when I thought that when all my dreams come true, I will be the happiest. I will be happy if I am with my loved ones. For a long time I asked the hedgehog to show me the way back, but he could no longer help me. I cried, cried and cried for a very long time. I realized that I had lost the most precious and valuable that I had. And suddenly I woke up. I opened my eyes, got out of bed and left the room. I washed myself and went to breakfast with my beloved mom